Updated Kittens page. We have new intresting breeding plans... 21.11.2017 Punatabby-valkea tyttöpentu varattavissa. Lisätietoja Kitten-sivulla. Femake kitten available for loving pethome! 28.9.2017 Päivitetty pentujen varaustilannetta. Meillä on vielä 2 ihanaa tyttöpentua varattavissa! 10.9.2017 Päivitetty pentujen varaustilannetta. Valkoinen uros, valkoinen naaras ja punavalkoinen naaras etsivät ihania, loppuelämän koteja lemmikkikiä ja sohvanvaltaajina. Lisätietoja Kittens- sivulla! We have pet kittens available! More info on Kittens-page! 4.9.2017 Päivitetty pentujen varaustilannetta. 2 valkoista urosta ja yksi valkoinen naaras etsii lemmikkikotia. Punatabbyvalkea tyttö vapana lemmikiksi tai näyttelyyn. 15.8.2017 Meillä on pentuja varattavissa lemmikiksi tai näyttelyyn! Lisätietoja Kittens-sivulla. We have kittens available! Take a look Kittens -page. 3.8.2016 Päivitetty pentujen varaustilannetta. 1 urospentu varattavissa mieluiten näyttelystä kiinnostuneeseen kotiin. Naaraspentu etsii sijoituskotia pääkaupunkiseudulta. 17.7.2016 Päivitetty pentujen varaustilannetta.Meillä on 2 punatabbyvalkoista urospentua varattavissa. Kuvassa Bonneamie Redondo Beach 8,5 viikon ikäisenä. We have 2 redtabby-white male kitten available. This is Bonneamie Redondo Beach at the age of 8,5 weeks. 4.7.2016 Urospentuja varattavissa! Male kittens available! More info on Kittens-page. Lisätietoja Pennut-sivulla. 18.5.2016 WE HAVE KITTENS AVAILABLE!!! MEILLÄ ON VARATTAVISSA PUNATABBY-VALKEITA JA RUSKEATABBY-VALKEITA PENTUJA!!! More info on Kittens page. Lisätietoja Kittens-sivulla. 22.4.2016 Kittens page updated - we are expecting kittens middle of May! More info in Kittens-page. Odotamme pentuja syntyväksi toukokuun puoliväliin! Lisätietoja Kittens-sivulla. 8.3.2016 We have beautiful brown tabby-white male kitten available! More info on Kittens-page. Meillä on peruutuksen vuoksi vapaana ruskeatabby-valkoinen urospentu.Lisätietoja Kittens-sivulla. 7.3.2016 We are very happy :) All our breeding cats are now tested for PK Deficiency negative!! *****We breed only PK Def. N/N cats***** 3.2.2016 Kitten page updated with new breeding plans. 15.1.2016 Kittens page updated. All kittens are reserved. Päivitetty pentusivua.Meillä ei ole varattavissa olevia pentuja tällä hetkellä.Suunnitteilla pentue keväälle 2016. 9.1.2016 Päivitetty pentujen varaustilannetta. 2 valkoista urospentua etsii lemmikkikotia. 2 male kittens available for pet homes. Tiedustelut tai puh: 050-3580059 8.1.2016 Pentujen varaustilannetta päivitetty. 3 urospentua etsii lemmikkikotia. 3 male kittens available for pet homes. 1.1.2016 Pennut sivut päivitetty! Kittens page updated! Meillä on urospentuja varattavissa. We have male kittens available. 3.12.2015 Pennut sivut päivitetty! Meillä on valkoisia urospentuja vapaana lemmikiksi! Lisätietoja Kittens-sivuilla. 19.11.2015 We have kittens! Pentuja varattavissa! Escape's Tokio Hotel x Sokolpark Finlandia kittens are born. We have 4 white males and 1 brown classic tabby-white male. Inquiries are welcome! 29.9.2015 Kittens-page updated, we are expecting kittens at middle of November. Pennut -sivut päivitetty. Meille on tulossa pentuja marraskuun puolessavälilssä. Lisätietoja pennut-sivulla. 26.7.2015 Females page updated. We have new Princess from Mainesuspect Cattery Arizona, USA. Pennut sivut päivitetty - Kastraattinaaras etsii lemmikkikotia. 30.6.2014 GC,RW Bonneamie Flipflop Pinot Grigio got *****CFA NATIONAL AWARD Best Solid Color Maine Coon show season 2013-2014***** 15.6. 2014 Kitens page updated.New breeding plans. Aikuinen kastraattiuros etsii lemmikkikotia! 5,5-vuotias ruskeatabby kastraattiuros etsii lemmikkikotia. Kissa on terve, säännöllisesti rokotettu ja madotettu sisäkissa. Luonteeltaan reipas, sosiaalinen ja ihmisläheinen. Kissa etsii kotia perheestä jossa ei ole alle kouluikäisiä lapsia ja jossa sillä olisi kaverinaan 1-2 kissaa. Ainoastaan sisäkissaksi. Ei näyttelyihin 13.5.2014 Here is Bonneamie Springfiel. BEAUTIFUL and BIG redtabby-white neutered male out of GC,RW & DGC Nascat Rev-Up N Fire Thru X GC Bonneamie Spectacular Spectacular! 'Santtu' is nowadays Best Friend with GC & DW,SGC & RW Bonneamie Twin Oaks - his older brother. Both enjoy their happy lives as Wonderful Pets! We just cannot wish better homes for them! **Thank You Tanya and Petri** Photo: Tanya Jaakkola & Petri Naukkarinen 20.3.2014 Females page updated. Welcome NASCAT Satsu of Bonneamie, our new girl from Texas!!! 16.3.2014 TICA World Cat Congress, Miami Florida in last weekend was very successful for Bonneamie Flipflop Pinot Grigio. He did 3 x Best of Breed, 2 x 2nd Best of Breed and 2 x 3rd Best of Breed and finals as 9th Best Longhair, 7th Best Allbreed and 3rd Best Allbreed Cat. He was 3rd Best Maine Coon in the Show!!! Here is our new BEAUTIFUL brown tabby-white female kitten from USA NASCAT Satsu of Bonneamie!!! She is from CFA GC, BW, NW, TICA SGC Nascat Cruise'N x CFA GC, TICA GC Kelimcoon's All Wound Up of Nascat. 28.1.2014 Aikuinen kastraattiuros etsii lemmikkikotia! 4-vuotias ruskeatabby kastraattiuros etsii lemmikkikotia. Kissa on terve, säännöllisesti rokotettu ja madotettu sisäkissa. Luonteeltaan reipas, sosiaalinen ja ihmisläheinen. Kissa etsii kotia perheestä jossa ei ole alle kouluikäisiä lapsia ja jossa sillä olisi kaverinaan 1-2 kissaa. Ainoastaan sisäkissaksi. Ei näyttelyihin. 20.1.2014 Updated Males-page. 19.1.2014 Here is Bonneamie Anna Karenina. Beautiful brown classic tabby-white female kitten out of CFA CH Bonneamie Pasadena x Mayne Chance Full House. She lives now in China with Amanda Cheng, CFA Cattery Enko. 18.1.2014 Kitten page updated with new breeding plans. 23.7.2013 MEILLÄ ON PENTUJA VARATTAVISSA! Lisätietoja Kitens-sivulla. Kitten Page updated with first pictures of Bonneamie Pasadena x Mayne Chance Full House kittens! 11.6.2013 CFA show season 2012-2013 was succesfull for us! Seems it was Bonneamie Maine Coon year :) GRC Bonneamie Magnificent Mile was Best Maine Coon Kitten & Best Maine Coon in Championship!!! GRP, RW Bonneamie Van Ness 1050 was Best Maine Coon in Premiership and she was CFA Europe Region 7th Best All Breed Premior and got tittle REGIONAL WINNER!!! 10.6.2013 Here is Bonneamie FlipFlop Pinot Grigio, BEAUTIFUL white male kitten out of CFA CH Escape's Tokio Hotel of Bonneamie x CFA GRC Bonneamie Magnificent Mile at the age of almost 4 months. He is 5 generations BONNEAMIE and so beautiful for me! 29.5.2013 KITTENS-page updated! We have 2 female kittens available. Bonneamie Pasadena has done her kittens with Mayne Chance Full House! More info in Kittens-page. 12.4.2013 Kittens-page updated with new photos ! Pennut-sivut päivitetty uusilla kuvilla! Tyttöpentu etsiii lemmikkikotia! 3.4.2013 Today I took few pictures of the kittens (CFA CH Escape's Tokio Hotel of Bonneamie x CFA GRC Bonneamie Maginificent Mile). Here is one of my favourite; 'Baby Oregon' with her Mom. 'Baby Oregon' is available as a pet. 'Oregon' etsii lemmikkikotia. Pennut sivut päivitetty. 1,5-vuotias kastroitu uros etsii lemmikkikotia. Tyttöpentu varattavissa lemmikiksi. Lisätietoja Kittens-sivulla. 26.3.2013 Kitten page updated with first pictures of Escape's Tokio Hotel of Bonneamie x Bonneamie Magnificent Mile kittens. We have female kitten available as a pet. Ensimmäiset kuvat Justiina x Matti pentueesta Kittens-sivuilla. Meillä on tyttöpentu varattavissa lemmikiksi! 13.3.2013 Last weekend Cat Fanciers of Finland-show in Helsinki was succesfull for us. Bonneamie Arizona US Route 191 was first time in Kitten class at the age of just 4 moths. She did 2 finals as 6th Best Allbreed kitten and 10th Best AB Kitten. She was 2nd Best MC Kitten in the show. She is now moved to her new home. GRP Bonneamie Van Ness 1050 was Best MC in Premiership.She did 5 finals as 5th, 6th, 6th,8th and 8th Best Allbreed Premier and collected again good RW points. CH Mainesuspect Sayuri of Bonneamie got some points for her Grand Champion title. She did one final as 2nd Best Longhair CH & 3rd Best Allbreed CH with very hard competition. 6.3.2013 Kittens page updated. Females page updated with new photos of CFA CH Bonneamie Pasadena. 5.3.2013 Here is one of our beautiful kittens from CFA GRC Bonneamie Magnificent Mile x CFA CH Escape's Tokio Hotel of Bonneamie. This white beauty is just 3,5 weeks now. He is now tentatively reserved. 9.2.2013 CH Escape's Tokio Hotel x GRC Bonneamie Magnificent Mile kittens has born! We have 2 brown classic tabby-white girls and white boy in this litter. 23.1.2013 Today our boy, GRC Bonneamie Magnificent Mile had his heart echo on and his heart had no signs or symptoms of hcm. In fact, it was perfect! WE HAVE 2 BEAUTIFUL FEMALE KITTENS AVAILABLE! 14.1.2013 GRP Bonneamie Van Ness had good CFA show in Sweden,Arlanda last weekend.She made all 12-finals! 8.1.2012 Päivitetty pentujen varaustilannetta MEILLÄ ON PENTUJA VARATTAVISSA! Lisätietoja Kittens-sivulla. Odotamme pentuja syntyväksi helmikuun alkuun! We have kittens available from Sayuri x T.O. litter! We are expecting new litter beginning of February! More info on Kitens-page. 4.1.2013 Kittens page updated! New pictures of Sayuri x Twin Oaks kittens at the age of 9 weeks. Pennut sivut päivitetty. Meillä on pentuja varattavissa! 4.12.2012 Kitten page updated! First pictures of Sayuri x Twin Oaks kittens. We have new mating plans. Tokio Hotel is now mated with Magnificent Mile. Ensimmäiset kuvat Sayuri x Twin Oaks pennuista 5 vkon ikäisinä Kittens sivuilla. 15.11.2012 Cat Fanciers of Finland Show in Helsinki last weekend was succesful for GRP Bonneamie Van Ness. She was highest scoring MC in Premiership! Against for all those big,huge males. She did 5 finals out 6 and got lots of show points! Kittens page updated! Sayuri x Twin Oaks have 3 kittens. All kittens are tentatively reserved. We chance our mating plans. Our white female CFA CH Escape's Tokio Hotel will mate with GC Bonneamie Magnificent Mile as soon as the cats agree. After that CFA CH Bonneamie Pasadena will mate beginning of January. Feel free to ask the kittens! There will be kittens availble for next matings. 2.11.2012 We have KITTENS!! Sayuri and Twin Oaks kittens are born!!! All kittens are brown classic tabby-white. Again some of them have very funny and special white markings. All kittens are tentatively reserved. Also we have been planning our next litter! After many months of searching we finally found healthy, tested,very outcross,big, gorgeus brown tabby-high white male from US lines for our brown tabby-white girl CFA CH Bonneamie Pasadena. Pasadena will be mated with him as soon as possible. More info later....or by e-mail ;) 20.9.2012 KITTENS page updated! We are expecting kittens end of October out of Sayuri x Twin Oaks! Also we have planned some other litters. More info on Kittens-page! Odotamme Sayuri x Twin Oaks pentuja lokakuun loppuun! 10.9.2012 Show Filderstadt/Germany last Sunday. Nice 1-day show with 6 -rings. GP Bonneamie Van Ness made all 6 finals 7th,7th,4th,4th,3rd and in Loretta Baugh ring she got BEST ALLBREED CAT in Premiership! Wow, I was so,so happy with this! First time she won the final! GC Bonneamie Magnificent Mile did 4 finals 9th,9th,4th and 3rd Best cat in Championship. 5.9.2012 We got wonderful show last weekend in Moscow,Russia. Big class of Maine Coon presented. GC Bonneamie Magnificent Mile was 8 x Best of Breed and made all 8 finals. He was 4 x 4th Best AB Cat, 2 x 3rd Best AB Cat and 2 x 2nd AB Cat. With these Magnificent final placement he became BEST CAT IN THE SHOW !!!!! Thank You all wonderul Judges who made this possible! Here he is with his huge prizes. 24.8.2012 Today I got some beautiful pictures of TICA CH Bonneamie Miracle Mile. 'Mira' is out of Bonneamie Twin Oaks and Mainesuspect Sayuri. She lives in very best home in Moscow,Russia with Alena.Thank You Alena to take such a good care of 'Mira' and showing her just outstanding condition. I was so happy to got the pics :) Here she, is our Beautiful girl! 12.8.2012 We were showing in Bremen,Germany with 'Magnificent Mile' and 'Van Ness'. Good, succesful show for us. Bonneamie Magnificent Mile was Best MC in the show and made 6 finals out of 8. Bonneamie Van Ness 1050 was Best MC in Premiership and she did all 8 finals. 31.7.2012 Päivitetty Pennut-sivut. Tyttöpentu varattavissa lemmikiksi. 26.7.2012 News from TICA: SGC
Bonneamie Twin Oaks is 2011-2012 Show Season
magnificent boy did great job in both associations CFA and also TICA!!
25.7.2012 We are currently showing: CFA
GRP Bonneamie Van Ness 1050
and CFA GRC Bonneamie Magnificent Mile 24.7.2012 New CFA show season has started! Our first show was in Helsinki. 6 Allbreed rings and 2 Speciality rings. The show was VERY successful for us! Bonneamie Van Ness 1050 was Best MC in Premiership. She became GRAND PREMIER and made 6 finals. Our young Star Bonneamie Magnificent Mile did wonderful show!! He made all 8 finals and collect 258 Grand points from his first show in Championship. Just at the age of 8 months he became ***ONE SHOW GRAND CHAMPION*** . He was best MC in Championship. This was good start for his show season :) Our White Beauty Escape's Tokio Hotel of Bonneamie became CFA Champion. 12.5.2012 Kittens page updated. Bonneamie Midnight has moved to her new home . We have some breeding plans.More info in kittens-page. Meillä on uusia kasvatussuunnitelmia,lisätietoja pennut-sivuilla. 11.5. Here is Bonneamie Miracle Mile, one of those beautiful kittens out of Mainesuspect Sayuri x Bonneamie Twin Oaks after her first TICA show in Moscow Russia. She did great show weekend especially Saturday when she was BEST Maine Coon Kitten and Highest Scroring All Breed Kitten in The show. She lives now in Moscow, Russia. Miracle Mile is 4 months old in this photo. 4.5.2012 CFA show season 2011-2012 is finally done. We are SO,SO HAPPY to annonce that our boy GC BONNEAMIE TWIN OAKS is DIVISIONAL WINNER 2011-2012, BEST MAINE COON IN EUROPE and 10th NATIONAL BEST MC in Championship!!!!! This show season has been very busy for us. We have travelled a lot with Twin Oaks. Many different countries like; Finland,Estonia, Italy, Sweden,Spain,Germany,Belgium,Switzerland, Russia and USA. We have spent weekends after weekends in show halls, flew thousands and thousands miles, but it was worth of that! Our STAR is now ***CFA DIVISIONAL WINNER
and YES, we have never be more proud of our cats than now :) 3.5.2012 Bonneamie Magnificent Mile, son of Bonneamie Twin Oaks and Mainesuspect Sayuri has done great kitten shows. In his first kitten show in Finland, just age of 4 months he was Best MC kitten in the show with good competition.He did 3 AB finals out of 6. Beginning of April we showed him at 10-ring show in Sweden and he did all 10 AB finals 6th,6th,3rd,2nd,2nd,2nd,2nd and BEST, BEST and BEST kitten. Last weekend show in Switzerland was also good.He did 9 finals out of 12; 7th,6th,6th,5th,3rd,2nd,2nd, BEST and BEST All Breed kitten. Both days he was best mc kitten in the show with good competition. Magnificent Mile is 5 months old in this photo. 21.4.2012 Kittens page updated.We have female kiten available.meillä on tyttöpentu varattavissa lemmikiksi! 1.2.2012 We have female kitten available.Meillä on tyttöpentu varattavissa. 17.1.2012 We were CFA show in Stockholm, Sweden last weekend. Bonneamie Twin Oaks was 8 x Best of Breed and 2 x 2nd Best of Breed.He did 5 finals as 10th,9th,8th,6th and 4th Best Cat In Championship!! So, BEST MAINE COON IN THE SHOW!! 6.1.2012 KITTENS PAGE UPDATED!!! We have one brown patched tabby female kiten from Nascat Rev-Up N Fire Thru X Bonneamie Spectacular Spectacular! New pictures of Sayuri x Twin Oaks Litter. PENNUT SIVUT PÄIVITETTY UUSILLA KUVILLA! 15.12.2011 Updated Kittens-page! New kitten pictures of Sayuri x Twin Oaks kittens. Male kitten available! Uudet kuvat pennuista 7 vko ikäisinä. Poikapentu varattavissa! 6.12.2011 Updated KITTENS-page. Päivitetty pentujen varaustilannetta. 3.12.2011 First kitten pictures! Ensimmäiset kuvat Sayuri x Twin Oaks pennuista! More info on Kittens page. We are expecting kittens from Nascat Rev-Up N Fire Thru x Bonneamie Spectacular Spectacular! beginning of January 2012. Odotamme Revi x Mortti pentuja tammikuun alkuun! 13.11.2011 We had great 8-ring CFA show in Helsinki. Twin Oaks made 8 x Best of Breed and 7 finals as 4th,5th,7th,9th, 10th,10th and 10th Best Allbreed Cat and collected many DW points. Bonneamie Van Ness collected her first 22 GRP points. 31.10.2011 WE HAVE KITTENS!! More info on Kittens-page. MEILLÄ ON PENTUJA VARATTAVISSA!! Lisätietoja pennut-sivulla. Bonneamie Twin Oaks was CFA-show in Halle/Saale, Germany last weekend with Samu. He did 2 All Breed Finals as 5th Best and 9th Best. Saturday he won the Maine Coon Special Ring and Sunday he was 2nd Best Maine Coon in Special Ring. 21.10.2011 Updated 'Our Story' and 'Females'. Added picture of CFA CH Bonneamie Pasadena for females-page. 18.10.2011 Today we got confirmations from TICA. Our boy BONNEAMIE TWIN OAKS made all this in two weekends. From Open Class to TICA Supreme Grand Champion!! 16.10.2010 WE ARE EXPECTING KITTENS FOR NEXT WEEK!! More info on kittens-page. Sayuri x Twin Oaks pentuja odotetaan syntyväksi ensi viikolla! Lisätietoja pennut-sivuilla. 11.10.2011 We spent nice,warm show-weekend in Italy / Reggio Emilia (close Verona) last weekend. First 12 rings CFA-show in Europe ever! Big, huge show. Tons of Top Quality Cats from Europe and USA. Sure that was a SHOW!!! Twin Oaks made 3 finals as 7th, 8th and 10th Best Cat in Championship! We are proud of our boy!!! 20.9.2011 Last weekend TICA show in Helsinki was pretty succesful for Twin Oaks. He made 5 finals as 2 x BEST, 2nd Best, 3rd Best and 6th Best Cat. He was BEST Maine Coon in the show! His mother Nascat Rev-Up N Fire Thru made one final as 10th Best AB Cat. Our next show will be in Italy begining of October. 13.9.2011 WE ARE EXPECTING KITTENS END OF OCTOBER!! ODOTAMME PENTUJA LOKAKUUN LOPPUUN yhdistelmästä CFA CH Mainesuspect Sayuri of Bonneamie x CFA GRC, TICA SGC, FIFE CH Bonneamie Twin Oaks 12.9.2011 BONNEAMIE TWIN OAKS IS TICA SUPREME GRAND CHAMPION!!!!! He got very succesful show last weekend in Tallinn, Estonia. He made 7 finals as 4 x 2nd Best, 1 x 5th Best and 1 x BEST CAT. His mother NASCAT REV-UP N FIRE THRU made 4 finals and got TICA GRAND CHAMPION-tiitle!! 22.8.2011 BONNEAMIE INDIANAPOLIS (red tabby-white male kitten, son of GC,RW Nascat Rev-Up N Fire Thru x GC Bonneamie Spectacular Spectacular!) Fife show Tallinn, Estonia 19.& 20.August. Saturday EX1, BIV-TOT, NOM. Sunday BIV-TOT & BEST IN SHOW KITTEN!!!!! Owned & shown by Virpi Santalahti. 16.8.2011 CFA show in Helsinki last weekend was also successful for us. Twin Oaks was highest scoring MC. He did 4 finals: 4th, 6th, 6th and 7th Best Allbreed Cat in Championship. Sayuri did one final as Best Longhair Champion & 2nd Best Allbreed Champion & 7th Best Cat in Championship. We have made new breeding plans. Take a look at Kittens page!! 8.8.2011 Our new CFA show season started with very good results. We were CFA show in Talinn,Estonia. Bonneamie Twin Oaks was Best Maine Coon in the show. He did all 6 finals 2nd,3rd,4th,6th,9th and 9th Best Allbreed Cat in Championship. 27.7.2011 Today we got title-confirmation from TICA: CFA GC & FIFE CH BONNEAMIE TWIN OAKS: ONE SHOW TICA TRIPLE GRAND CHAMPION!!!!! ...My Boy did it again... YES, I'm SO, SO proud of him... ;) 18.7.2011 Fife show results from Vasterhaninge,Sweden last weekend; Bonneamie Twin Oaks became Fife Champion and was NOM for BIS Sunday. Bonneamie Indianapolis was NOM for BIS both days. Our next shows are CFA Bremen / Germany, CFA Tallinn / Estonia, CFA Helsinki / Fin and Fife Tallinn / Estonia. 15.7.2011 We are extreme happy to announce these fabolous results of CFA show season 2010-2011: CFA GRC Bonneamie Twin Oaks is BEST MAINE COON KITTEN IN CFA EUROPE DIVISION SHOW SEASON 2010-2011. CFA CH Mainesuspect Sayuri of Bonneamie is 2nd BEST MAINE COON KITTEN IN CFA EUROPE DIVISION SHOW SEASON 2010-2011.. 14.6.2011 We were in Fife show at Hyvinkää last weekend. Saturday Bonneamie Indianapolis was BIV-TOT and Nom for BIS and Sunday BIV-TOT. Saturday Bonneamie Sausalito became Fife SUPREME PREMIOR!!!!! Congratulations for the owners Kirsi and Markku! Thank You for showing 'Alma' in all those competitions in beautiful condition and taking such good care of her! You are just great! 25.5.2011 SHOW-NEWS from TICA show: We were at 10-ring TICA show in Tallinn,Estonia last weekend with Twin Oaks and Indianapolis. We had just GREAT show!! T.O. made 9 finals and Sunday he became BEST OF THE BEST CAT!!!!! Indy made all 10 finals and Sunday he became BEST OF THE BEST KITTEN!!!!! What a fabulous way to start TICA show career! 15.5.2011 INDIANAPOLIS DID IT AGAIN!! Indy was his second Fife show in Tampere. Saturday he was EX1 and NOM for BIS and Sunday again BEST IN SHOW KITTEN!!!!! 25.4.2011 Bonneamie Indianapolis started his FIFE show career with pretty cool resuls!! Saturday Maine Coon Special Show.Over 100 MC presented. Indianapolis was BEST OF THE BEST MAINE COON!!!!! He won also American Beauty competition!! Sunday he was BEST IN SHOW KITTEN!!!!! His older brother Bonneamie Twin Oaks was BEST MAINE COON IN COLOUR GROUP 3!! it's always my pleasure to show these wonderful brothers because they REALLY enjoy to show themself! Their showtemperament is something to tell! And YES, we'll come back! Watch Out! 18.4.2011 GRAND CHAMPION PARTY!!! We had GREAT 4-ring CFA show in PetExpo Helsinki last weekend! Bonneamie Twin Oaks made 3 x Best Longhair Champion, 3 x Best Allbreed Champion, 1 x 3rd Best Longhair Champion and 1 x 5th Best Allbreed Cat. Last ring at Sunday he got it, CFA GRAND CHAMPION -title!!!!! This was absolutely fantastic end for this CFA show season 2010-2011! He started this season as 4 months old kitten and finish it as Grand Champion at the age of 10 months. I'm so proud of my boy! Bonneamie Indianapolis did also great show. He made 2 x 3rd Best AB kitten, 1 x 5th Best AB kitten and 1 x 7th Best AB kitten.Very good show for 4 months old baby! Indianapolis will start his FIFE show career next weekend with his new owner. We wish successful show for him! 2.4.2011 Kitten page updated with new photo of Bonneamie Detroit. In the beginning of April 'Detroit' will move to Brunei for his new owner HRH Crowne Prince of Brunei Hj Al -Muhtadee Billah family. We are extremely grateful that Royal Family of Brunei Chose a kitten from our cattery. March shows were pretty successful for us. Twin Oaks collected 134 points for his Grand Champion title now and Sauyri 42 points. Indianapolis started his show-career in Bremen. He did two finals as 6th and 7th best all breed kitten. He has now moved to a new home. Next show will be in Helsinki PetExpo in April. 26.2.2011 Kitten page updated with new photos. Our kittens are soon ready for their new homes. We have planned next litter for Aricoone Cats Angel Fly Behind Me. 16.2.2011 We were show in Abbaye de Flloreffe, Belgium with Twin Oaks and Sayuri. Both got their CFA Champion titiles. Sayuri was 1 x Best of Breed and 3 x Second Best of Breed. Twin Oaks was 4 x Second Best of Breed. It was nice show and we had much fun with our Belgium -friends. Special thanx for Kathleen and Jan from all those gifts.There were just GREAT ! :) Next shows in March are Wijchen/Netherland, Helsinki/Finland and Bremen/Germany. 5.2.2011 Kittens-page updated. We have red classictabby/white male-kitten and white male-kitten available. Päivitetty pentujen varaustilannetta. Meillä on punatabby/valkoinen ja valkoinen urospentu varattavissa. Next weekend we start to show our "babies" 'Twin Oaks' and 'Sayuri' in Championship. Time went so fast..they are not kittens anymore... 2.2.2011 New kitten pictures! We have male kittens available! Uudet kuvat pennuista! Meillä on urospentuja varattavissa! 27.1.2011 Last weekend we were in show at Klangenfurt,Austria with Twin Oaks and Sayuri. It took 8 hours to get ourselves there, because of poor connection flight via Munich. But, those two are so good travellers so no problems at airports. And YES it was worth it! This was BEST kitten show ever! Both of kittens did great job in their last show as kittens. This was 8 ring show. Twin Oaks did 5 x Best of Breed and 2 x Second Best of Breed. He made 5 finals as 8th, 4th, 5th, 6th and 3rd Best All Breed Kiiten! in the Show!! Sayuri was 3 x Best of Breed and 4 x Second Best of Breed. She made 3 finals as 10th, 4th and 2nd Best All Breed Kiiten in The Show!! There were 68 All Breed Kitten in this Show!!! *****Special thanks to Peter and Irmi for drive us between airport,hotel and showplace whole weekend.***** 14.1.2011 We were in show at Fellbach, Germany last weekend. Twin Oaks was highest scoring MC-kitten in the show. He did three finals. 3rd , 7th and 9th Best AB-kitten. Sayuri was 2 x Best of Breed and 4 x Second Best of Breed. There was 71 AB kittens in this show. Next shows at Klagenfurt, Austria, Namur,Belgium, Helsinki, Finland and Bremen, Germany. New picures of Bonneamie Twin Oaks at males-page. 13.1.2011 Kitens available Pentuja varattavissa. Uudet kuvat pennuista. New pictures of Great Lakes & Missisippi-litter at the age of 7 weeks. 31.12.2010 Kittens Available! Pentuja Varattavissa! Kittens Page updated with new photos. We have beautiful redabby males available. 7.12.2010 We have kittens available! Updated first kitten pictures of Red-Litter! More info on Kittens-page. Ensimmäiset kuvat punaisista pojista Pennut-sivuilla. Uusi kuva valkoisesta poikapennusta. "Beluga" on varattavissa lemmikkikotiin. 25.11.2010 We have male kittens available! Revi got 5 red boys! More info on Kitens-page. Meillä on punaisia poikapentuja varattavissa! Lisätietoja Pennut-sivuilla. 24.11.2010 Bonneamie Twin Oaks 6 months old now. He is from Nascat Rev-Up N Fire Thru x Bonneamie Spectacular Specacular! 23.11.2010 CFA Show in Tallinn,Estonia was just great! Both Kittens did great show! There were 33 AB Kittens. Twin Oaks was Best MC Kitten in the Show. He made 4 finals as 2nd, 5th, 7th and 8th Best All Breed Kitten. Sayuri made 2 finals as 5th and 9th Best AB Kitten. 15.11.2010. We were in show at Wychen, Netherland. Sayuri did 3 x Best of Breed and 2 x 2nd Best of Breed. Twin Oaks made 3 x Best of Breed and 2 x 2nd Best of Breed. Both kittens made one final as 10th Best All Breed Kitten. There were 90 AB Kittens in this show. Our next show is Tallinn,Estonia next weekend with Sayuri and Twin Oaks. Bonneamie Van Ness got one beautiful male kitten 3.11. Kitten is tentatively reserved. WE ARE EXTPECTING KITTENS from Nascat Rev-Up N Fire Thru x Bonneamie Spectacular Spectacular! beginning of December! Inquiries are welcome! More info on kittens page. ODOTAMME Revi x Mortti-PENTUJA JOULUKUUN ALKUUN! 26.10.2010 We are expecting Kittens beginning of November from Bonneamie Van Ness 1050 and Escape's Mokoma! More info on Kittens-page. Odotamme pentuja marraskuun alkuun! Lisätietoja Pennut-sivuilla! 25.10.2010 We had CFA show in Helsinki 17.October. Great, busy one day with good friends.Thank You For All! Kittens did great. They were just 4 months in their first show,Good start for all! Bonneamie El Paso was highest scoring MC kitten in show and he made 2 finals 7th Best AB kitten and 10th Best AB Kitten. Thank You for Heidi for showing him so well groomed! El Paso's littermate Twin Oaks did one final 10th Best AB Kitten and Pasadena, again girl from same litter got few times 2nd Best of Breed. Bonneamie Sausalito became CFA Premior and made one final as 10th Best AB Premier. Thank you for Kirsi and Markku showing 'Alma' always iso well condition. Sayuri did one fiinal as 3rd Best AB Kitten. Next show in Wychen,Netherland with Sayuri and Twin Oaks. 24.10.2010 We spent one sunny & hot week September in Baltimore,USA for pick up our new girl Sayuri from Mainesuspect Cattery. We can't thank her breeder Sherry Campbell enought for this beauty girl. She IS so beautiful! Show in Timonium went fine.There were over 100 All Breed kittens, 27 MC kittens and 11 MC kittens in brown tabby/white class. Sayuri made 2 finals 9th Best AB kitten and 10th Best AB Kitten.She was just 4 month old saturday. 7.9. 2010 New CFA show season...We start to show the Kittens. Next shows 25.-26.September Timoniun,MD,USA 6 All breed rings and 2 Speciality rings. 17.October Helsinki 6 AB rings, 7.November Netherland,Wychen 6 AB ring and 20.-21.November Tallinn,Estonia 6 AB rings. 9.8.2010 Uudet kuvat pennuista.. Ruskeatabby-valkea tyttöpentu varatavissa! New kitten pics. Browntabby/white female kitten available! 28.7.2010 New Kitten pictures. Uudet kuvat pennuista! 14.7.2010 Pictures of kitens at the age of 7 weeks. Uusia kuvia pennuista Kitens-sivuilla. 4.7.2010 New pictures of kittens at the age of 6 weeks. Uudet kuvat pennuista. 23.6.2010 First pictures of kittens! Two beautiful female kittens are available! Ensimmäiset kuvat Revi x Mortti pennuista 4 viikon ikäisinä pennut-sivuilla. Meillä on tyttöpentuja varattavissa. 8.6. 2010 Kittens available! Pennut sivua päivitetty. 26.5.2010 Kittens were born Sunday 23.5! 13.5.2010 CFA show season 2009-2010 is over now. We have traveled all over the world, spent weekends after weekends in show halls, flew hundred and hundred kilometres and now we are so pround to announce our fantastic results: GRC Bonneamie Spectacular Spectacular! is BEST MAINE COON IN CFA INTERNATIONAL DIWISION EUROPE 2009-2010!!! BEST BROWN TABBY MAINE COON 25th BEST ALL BREED CAT IN INTERNATIONAL DIWISION 5th BEST BROWN TABBY NATIONALLY 22nd BEST MAINE COON NATIONALLY (including Europe,USA,Japan.Latin America) GRC Nascat Rev-Up N Fire Thru is BEST BROWN PATCHED TABBY-WHITE MAINE COON IN CFA INTERNATIONAL DIWISION EUROPE 2009-2010. CH BONNEAMIE VAN NESS 1050 IS 2nd BEST SILVERTABBY-WHITE MAINE COON IN CFA INTERNATIONAL DIWISION EUROPE. 12.5.2010 We have new female, Angel, from Belgium. More info in females page. We are expecting kitens next week of Revi x Spectacular! 24.4.2010 Kitten-page updated. Pentusivut on päivitetty. 21.4. 2010 Last weekend we were show in Tallinn/Estonia. It was 4 ring CFA show.Spectacular! made all finals as 9th,8th,7th and 5th Best All Breed Cat. Also he was Publics Favourite Cat and got nice, big cat pillow for prize. We had fun time! We are expecing kittens from Nascat Rev-Up N Fire Thru x Bonneamie Spectacular! end of May! Odotamme pentuja toukokuun lopulle yhdistelmästä Nascat Rev-Up N Fire Thru x Bonneamie Spectacular! 9.4.2010 We were at show in Hameln,Germany in the end of March. Big show, 8 rings. Spectacular was highest scoring Maine Coon. He did one final being 7th Best Cat in longhair speciality ring. We also visited tiny TICA-show in Riihimäki and were surprised about so minor count of MC's. Spectacular got enough points for Champion title. Next show will be the last for this season, Tallinn, Estonia next weekend. Kitten-page updated. 19.3.2010 We had a show of our own this time in Helsinki! Spectacular! was 3 x Best of Breed and 3 x 2nd Best of Breed . He was 2 x 9th Best AB cat in finals. Revi was 1 x Best of Breed and 1 x 2nd Best of Breed and made one final being 9th Best AB cat.. Great show, Great judges, Great friends, Great weekend!!! Next show will be in Hameln,Germany next weekend. Looking forward to meet you there. 6.3.2010 We were at show in Rotterdam last weekend. Spectacular was highest scoring Maine Coon in the show. He was 8 x Best of Breed. Next show will be in Helsinki next weekend.... 23.2.2010 3-vuotias kastraattinaaras etsii lemmikkikotia. Lisätietoja pennut-sivulla. 20.2.2010 We were show in Belgium last weekend. Nice show with 8 rings.Spectacular made 8 x Best of Breed and he did one final. Seems end of this show season will be busy for us , next shows will be Rotterdam (NL), Helsinki and Hameln (DE). In Belgium we visit Ariane to see Bonneamie Follow Me.It was fantastic to see 'Follow' after so long time !! We are more than happy to see how wonderful cattery she lives.Thank you Ariane for taking such a good care of her! 30.1.2010 Fife EC,SP & CFA CH,PR Bonneamie Faithful Friend was the Best Neutered Maine Coon Female in Finland 2009!!! Vuoden
Paras Maine Coon Kastraattinaaras 2009!!!
3 X Best In Show! 11 x Nominated for Best in Show! Thank
You Virpi for showing 'Friida' of all those
We are so pleased to see her showed and groomed so well as You do! You have done phenomenal job to show her! Thank You ! 22.1.2010 New pictures of Revi taken in Germany in the beginning of January by Petpixx. 16.1.2010 We were in CFA show in Kassel, Germany. It was a big show with big class of Maine Coons. Spectacular! was 6 x Best of Breed and he did 5 finals. 2 x 10th Best All Breed, 2 x 8th Best AB and 1 x 6th Best AB. Revi was also with us and she was 5 x 2nd Best of Breed. It was great to meet MC breeders, especially Christina, (Catdancer's breeder) and Anette (Waldemaine cattery). We had great time! Our next show will be Valentine show in Belgium. New,beautiful pictures of Spectacular! taken in Atlanta November 2009 by Chanan in males page. New pictures of Revi taken by Petpixx coming soon. 8.12.2009 WE HAVE CFA GRAND CHAMPION!!! We were show in Haltern Am See,Germany. Spectacular Spectacular! got rest of his GRC points and became CFA GRAND CHAMPION! He is first CFA GRAND CHAMPION Maine Coon in Finland. That is something to tell! We were suprised about the huge competition of Maine Coons in Championship , but he was again Highest Scoring MC in the show. I also would like to congratulate Minna, owner of Escape's Mokoma and Mokoma's breeder Jaana, Escape's cattery for their succsess in this huge show.Mokoma was highest scoring MC kiten in the show and made many finals. 21-22.11.2009 CFA-International , Atlanta, USA!!!! Once again we did it!! It took about 18 hours to get ourselves to Atlanta but it was worth it. It don't seem to be much of a surprise to see us in international anymore so we met lots and lots old friends and got some new ones too. It was also good to see how well Europeans did in the show. Congratulations for all for such a great succes. This time we made our studies a little bit better and manage to find all the good things in the city of Atlanta. We had few days holiday there and meaning of "shop till you drop" is now quite clear to us. At the show in Georgia International Convention Center there were 28 Maine Coons in Championship, 16 MC in Premiership and 25 MC in Kittens class. Photo of our precious boy Spectacular Spectacular! after Pat Jacobberger ring. He took 5th Best Maine Coon! 9.11.2009 We had a succesfull CFA show in Gothenburg, Sweden. Spectacular! made all six finals. He was the highest scoring Maine Coon in the show. He got plenty of points for grand. 10.10. 2009 Lots of things has happened since last update. Half Moon Bay has one beautiful blue-cream-white female kitten with Obsydian. We were in CFA show at Ilsenburg, Germany 19. and 20. September. Spectacular! made 4 finals and got 64 Grand-points.That was his first time in CH-class.Good start for that! Van Ness made one final and got few more points for GRC . It was Fantastic Show all over! Next shows will be Helsinki, Gothenburg (SE), Atlanta (USA) CFA International and Haltern Am See (DE). Our white boy Cornelius is neutered. Half Moon Bay will be spayed soon. Meillä on tyttöpentu varattavissa lemmikiksi tai näyttelyyn yhdistelmästä Half Moon Bay x Obsydian. Tulossa kuvia pennut sivulle. 19.8.2009 We were in CFA show Helsinki 15. and 16. August. Spectacular Spectacular! got his Champion title and was 3 x Best of Breed and made 2 finals 3rd Best All Breed Cat in Championship and 5th Best All Breed Cat in Championship. Van Ness got more Grand points. She was 2 x 2nd Best Longhair Champion and 1 x 3rd Best Longhair Champion. Mango was Best Maine Coon kiten in show. She made 2 kitten finals 5th Best All Breed Kitten and 10th Best All Breed Kitten. Mango is still available for loving home. CFA CH & Fife EC & GIP Bonneamie Faithful Friend gor her Premier title. 12.8.2009 Pennut sivu päivitetty. . 3.8.2009 Spectacular Spectacular! was Best of Variety & Best In Show Kitten (6-10 months) in Helsinki 1.8. and Best of Variety and Nominated for BIS 2.8. Revi got her Fife Champion title saturday 1.8.. 29.7.2009 Kittens-page updated! Brown patchedtabby-white female kitten available. 22.6.2009 Kitten page updated. Brown patched tabby-white kitten available. Pics of Mango at the age of 11,5 weeks added. 9.6.2009 New pictures of Mango Peach Salsa at the age of eight and nine weeks in kittens-page. 23.5.2009 Finally, new pictures of our sweetheart Spectacular! in males-page, and his own page. Pictures are taken by Virpi Santalahti . Thank You Again. 22.5.2009 Some pictures of Revi added to her own page. Thank You Virpi for visiting us and taking pics of Revi and Mortti and rest of the crew. New pictures of Mango added to kittens-page. Mango is under breed/show evaluation until she is 12 weeks old. After that , we will decide weather she is going to be available as show/breed quality or as a pet. 11.5.2009 New pictures of Mango Peach Salsa in Kittens-page. 7.5.2009 CFA
Show season is over and Revi is CFA's National 3rd Best Agility Cat,
CFA Gulf Shore Regions 16th Best Kitten and 2nd Best brown pathced
tabby -white Maine Coon in Championship show season 2008-2009.
3.5.2009. After
two weeks of coding, recoding and re-recoding our new pages
almost done. Lot of things have happened since our last update.
We have a phenomenal new girl from USA. -Thank You Donna! I had absolutely wonderful visit in Texas at April. Also we had a litter of one a month ago. See picture of Mango in kittens-page. Also we decided to keep brown tabby boy Spectacular Specacular! with us. He has started promising show career . Hopefully these new pages are easier to use and maintain so we are able to share things with you more often. So, we hope you enjoy while taking a look of "Revi" and "Mango" and our new layout. We are about to add more pictures from shows and kittens shortly. |